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The First Insight

When I talk about the first insight, what comes to mind? You are probably asking yourself, insight on what? You need to attach a “situation or feeling”, to that statement. All personal growth starts with that “first insight”. A need to change your personal situation at home, or work or even in your behavioral patterns. This is known as your own personal alarm system. Treasure it, because it never fails you . Once you have identified where in your life you need to change things up, then you can start the process of figuring out how to go about doing that. Some tasks are easy and some take years . Identifying the triggers to getting you to have this first insight is also important. I will discuss two f kinds of triggers : personal triggers and surface triggers.

Example ; Losing weight

Personal triggers would be, looking in the mirror and thinking you looked overweight. Telling yourself you feel and look unattractive. Limiting yourself to going to social events because you do not think you look good in clothes right now.

Social Triggers would be , over hearing people talking about your weight. Friends commenting on your eating habits , people looking at you and judging you for your weight.

At first you brush off these hints of “insights”. People can be cruel , rude, how dare they, but deep down inside their actions and words hurt beyond belief. Then those personal triggers come into play more often. That “self talk ” you say to yourself.  Remember what you say to yourself is the key to your success. The negative image you have of yourself soon becomes a pattern, which is very hard to break. So one day, something happens and you discover your ” first insight ” towards change. You decide in your mind that something has to be done. You have reached your limit and are now ready to move forward in your life. How do you start ? Read my next blog titled : Forward Movement.

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